Rammellzee was on some serious next shit. Rest in peace to the phonics magician-

Public service announcement…

The man behind the mask…

Stylewars DVD extras interview…



Bates‘ tribute to Rammellzee-

Pose’s tribute to Rammellzee-

I look forward to painting a tribute of my own. Right spot, right time, right frame of mind!

For more on Rammellzee check out gothicfuturism.com

Painting With Aussies & Witnes In LA

Dabs & Myla

Omega by Vans

Painting a piece based off of an Askew sketch for The Exchange


While we were painting, Ewok called and told us MJ just kicked the bucket. He urged us to be the first to Paint a tribute to the the self proclaimed “King of Pop”. Augor came through and started on the character. I stepped in, giving Jacko a face lift and added in some small details. Vans even joined in by putting some jewels on the glove. I originally wanted to write “Touching Young Fans From The Grave And Beyond” and have MJ’s grave site with a large tombstone. I would of had his arm coming out of the ground, grabbing onto a young boy’s thigh… Maybe next time?