About a week ago I received some really cool sketches of my name by New York’s HAZE.

Hyped on the classic flow, I made it a point to paint the Haze’s Rime sketch while out in NYC…

Being that it was done in an alley right under the Manhattan bridge, I felt the style fit well with the environment…

Many thanks to Klughaus Gallery for setting up the wall.


When we agreed to go out and do this wall on such a cold day, I felt like I wanted to knock out something quick so i wouldn’t have to stay out in the cold all day. I drew this simplified version of a piece that suggests only the most important areas.

My original plan was to do the entire piece without any fades, instead I wanted to stick to hard edged design elements that tapered of into the background. That plan got tossed out the window once I started my piece. It was so cold that all I wanted to do was stick to what I knew. On top of that the paint cans got so cold that they were spraying with a low pressure spit. This worked really well for misting and fading techniques.

Despite the challenges the weather brought, I had a lot of fun painting this piece. I sort of rushed the first 3/4 of this and spent the rest of the time experimenting until it got dark. We literally painted until our cans stopped working!

The best paint to use on walls in temperatures below 20˚ is Rustoleum. Foreign brands vary in ability but cannot compete in this climate.