SONY via location scout Melissa “Zippy” Downing illegally paints over a Few & Far mural for a commercial.

(above) The Few & Far crew

A few weeks back I got the news that someone painted over the recent all female, Few & Far production on Gower Street in Hollywood. This was a real surprise to me especially since I have been organizing the painting of those walls for so many years.

(above) The completed Few & Far wall that lasted only two months before being covered.

Stopping in to see the owner of the property, he tells me that permission was never given for anyone to paint over the Few & Far mural. In fact, he was driving to work on the day of the incident and saw location scout Melissa “Zippy” Downing and crew filming horrible graffiti over the partially covered mural.

(above) SONY and Zippy Downing covering the Few & Far mural for a commercial.

He asked her what the hell they were doing? and Zippy responded saying that she had permission by the laborers inside to paint this wall for a SONY commercial. The owner told her that she did NOT have permission because HE is the owner and that nothing was cleared.

Zippy’s dumb ass ended up persuading the owner to let them finish filming, and assured the owner that she will have the mess covered back with quality work. Despite her promise, SONY wrapped up their day of shooting without finishing the wall. They passed the task along to some local writers who happened to be there as they were leaving. SONY let them know they were not coming back and it was cool to cover the mess they made…

(above) An attempt by locals to paint over the SONY mess

So I say FUCK SONY and FUCK MELISSA “ZIPPY” DOWNING, for covering a really cool mural with shitty graffiti, all in a sad attempt to connect with so called urban youth. If you feel that this type of unprofessional cut cornering is wrong please reblog / retweet this. Or if you want to let the dumb bitch know personally. Here is her card…

Melissa “Zippy” Downing (Location Scout)
(510) – 847 – 1539