One thought on “Who Is Bozo Texino?

  1. “><img alt="
    deflected conversation away from himself, telling one journalist that his question had an awful lot of 'I's' and not enough 'We's.' Rather than talk about a dynasty, Manning addressed the memorable experience of three years ago and how excited and fortunate the Colts feel to be back in the Super Bowl.Three years ago, it was a different team, head coach and of players, he said. With the draft and free agents, it is the way that football is today.Every team has its unique identity. We hope to finish on a high note and make this
    <a href="" title="
    r the next two years — not choice, but he did it last season — and reiterated the point he made recently on a Baltimore television station: He's ready to play now.Young also said he definitely wants to remain a Titan.Continue reading at The Tennessean.The minicamp workout had ended an hour or so earlier, and Kerry Collins was conducting his exit interview with the media.He stood in front of cameras and tape recorders for minutes or so, dutifully answering every question and generally playing the role of veteran NFL quarterba

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