8 thoughts on “How To Freestyle “Graffiti” In Six Easy Steps

  1. Joe-

    …I became interested in your “Graf-Style” back in 1999, 2000 aftering viewing your work as I drove past pieces, blocks and throw-up’s you had done in Jersey. You and I share two common interests. We both grew up on Staten Island, and we both took that walk, or drive, down Seguine Avenue to see if Skope, Mars (Air 3), and Take 5 had done anything new on that concrete foundation on the beach…Therefore, I just wanted to contact you to give you respect about how you’ve grown as an artist, and more importantly, an international graffiti artist. It would be nice to see u hook up with Mars to rock a wall. He still does pieces from time to time. Anyway, stay driven…


  2. Now there’s a colour scheme that can’t fail to work. Strangely enough, I did the same colours (but with blue at the top and black at the bottom) early this month too!

    mine closeup

  3. I live in the southern part of africa, Swaziland, simunye village, where graffitti and the hiphop culture is a thing only seen on tv, i want to introduce it in my place because i like the culture since its a good positive culture which i believe can and will change and unite the world, i need help, my email is bhekimthombo@yahoo.com

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